Саг хугасаа: хубилбаринуудай хоорондохи илгаа

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Elvonudinium (зүбшэн хэлсэлгэ | Хубита)
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Elvonudinium (зүбшэн хэлсэлгэ | Хубита)
Заһабариин тодорхойлон бэшэлгэ үгы
1 мүр:
| name = Саг
| image = [[File:MontreGousset001.jpg|200px]]
| caption = Халааһанай саг
| symbols = <math>T, t</math>
| unit = [[секунда]]
'''Саг хугасаа''' үнгэрһэн, модоо, ерээдүй<ref>"Newton did for time what the Greek geometers did for space, idealized it into an exactly measurable dimension." ''About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution'', Paul Davies, p. 31, Simon & Schuster, 1996, ISBN 978-0684818221
Мүр 8 ⟶ 15 :
Compact [[Oxford English Dictionary]] A limited stretch or space of continued existence, as the interval between two successive events or acts, or the period through which an action, condition, or state continues. (1971)
</ref> гэһэн гурбан хэмжээсэтэй байха ба тэдэгээрэй хоорондо үрнэжэ бай үйлэ ябадалай үргэлжэлхэ хугасаанай хэмжүүр болодог.<ref name=DefRefs02/><ref name=DefRefs01/><ref name=Poidevin>
</ref> гэһэн гурбан хэмжээсэтэй байха ба тэдэгээрэй хоорондо үрнэжэ бай үйлэ ябадалай үргэлжэлхэ хугасаанай хэмжүүр болодог.<ref name=DefRefs02/><ref name=DefRefs01/><ref name=Poidevin/> Эртэһээ нааша саг хугасаанай тухай ойлголтонь шажан болоод [[шэнжэлхэ ухаан]]ай гол шухала һэдэб асуудалай нэгэ байһанаар ерэһэн бүгөөд бүхыл һалбарида хэрэглэхэдэ тохиромжотой байдалаар тодорхойложо ерэһэн болобошье [[эрдэмтэн|эрдэмтэд]] үнэндээ тодорхойлжо шадаагүйл байна. Тиимэ болобошье [[бизнес]], [[үйлэдбэрилэл]], [[спорт]], [[шэнжэлхэ ухаан]] мүн уралигай һалбаринуудта өөр өөрын гэһэн саг хугасаа хэмжэхэ системые хэрэглэдэг. Гэхэдээ зарим энгиин эргэлзээгүй тодорхойлолтонууд байдаг “саг хугасаанай нэгэ эгшэндэ бүхы зүйл гансал удаа тохёолдодог” “саг хугасаае сагаар хэмжэдэг” гэхэ мэтэ.<ref name=DefRefs02/><ref name=DefRefs01/><ref name=Poidevin/><ref name=Carroll2009>
{{cite encyclopedia
|title=The Experience and Perception of Time
|last=Le Poidevin
|year=Winter 2004
|encyclopedia=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
|editor=Edward N. Zalta
</ref> гэһэн гурбан хэмжээсэтэй байха ба тэдэгээрэй хоорондо үрнэжэ бай үйлэ ябадалай үргэлжэлхэ хугасаанай хэмжүүр болодог.<ref name=DefRefs02/><ref name=DefRefs01/><ref name=Poidevin/> Эртэһээ нааша саг хугасаанай тухай ойлголтонь шажан болоод [[шэнжэлхэ ухаан]]ай гол шухала һэдэб асуудалай нэгэ байһанаар ерэһэн бүгөөд бүхыл һалбарида хэрэглэхэдэ тохиромжотой байдалаар тодорхойложо ерэһэн болобошье [[эрдэмтэн|эрдэмтэд]] үнэндээ тодорхойлжо шадаагүйл байна. Тиимэ болобошье [[бизнес]], [[үйлэдбэрилэл]], [[спорт]], [[шэнжэлхэ ухаан]] мүн уралигай һалбаринуудта өөр өөрын гэһэн саг хугасаа хэмжэхэ системые хэрэглэдэг. Гэхэдээ зарим энгиин эргэлзээгүй тодорхойлолтонууд байдаг “саг хугасаанай нэгэ эгшэндэ бүхы зүйл гансал удаа тохёолдодог” “саг хугасаае сагаар хэмжэдэг” гэхэ мэтэ.<ref name=DefRefs02/><ref name=DefRefs01/><ref name=Poidevin/><ref name=Carroll2009>
* {{cite web |url=http://www.yourdictionary.com/time |title=Webster's New World College Dictionary |year=2010 |quote=1.indefinite, unlimited duration in which things are considered as happening in the past, present, or future; every moment there has ever been or ever will be… a system of measuring duration 2.the period between two events or during which something exists, happens, or acts; measured or measurable interval |accessdate=2011-04-09}}
* {{cite web |url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/time?r=66 |title=The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary @dictionary.com |year=2002 |quote=A duration or relation of events expressed in terms of past, present, and future, and measured in units such as minutes, hours, days, months, or years. |accessdate=2011-04-09}}
* {{cite web |url=http://www.collinslanguage.com/results.aspx?context=3&reversed=False&action=define&homonym=-1&text=time |title=Collins Language.com |publisher=HarperCollins |year=2011 |quote=1. The continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past. 2. ''physics'' a quantity measuring duration, usually with reference to a periodic process such as the rotation of the earth or the vibration of electromagnetic radiation emitted from certain atoms. In classical mechanics, time is absolute in the sense that the time of an event is independent of the observer. According to the theory of relativity it depends on the observer's frame of reference. Time is considered as a fourth coordinate required, along with three spatial coordinates, to specify an event. |accessdate=2011-12-18}}
* {{cite web |url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/time?r=66 |title=The American Heritage Science Dictionary @dictionary.com |year=2002 |quote=1. A continuous, measurable quantity in which events occur in a sequence proceeding from the past through the present to the future. 2a. An interval separating two points of this quantity; a duration. 2b. A system or reference frame in which such intervals are measured or such quantities are calculated. |accessdate=2011-04-09}}
* {{cite web |url=http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Time.html |title=Eric Weisstein's World of Science |year=2007 |quote=A quantity used to specify the order in which events occurred and measure the amount by which one event preceded or followed another. In special relativity, ct (where c is the speed of light and t is time), plays the role of a fourth dimension. |accessdate=2011-04-09}}
</ref><ref name=DefRefs01>
* {{cite web |url=http://www.iep.utm.edu/time/ |title=Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy |year=2010 |quote=Time is what clocks measure. We use time to place events in sequence one after the other, and we use time to compare how long events last... Among philosophers of physics, the most popular short answer to the question "What is physical time?" is that it is not a substance or object but rather a special system of relations among instantaneous events. This working definition is offered by Adolf Grünbaum who applies the contemporary mathematical theory of continuity to physical processes, and he says time is a linear continuum of instants and is a distinguished one-dimensional sub-space of four-dimensional spacetime. |accessdate=2011-04-09}}
* {{cite web |url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/time?r=66 |title=Dictionary.com Unabridged, based on Random House Dictionary |year=2010 |quote=1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.... 3. (sometimes initial capital letter) a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time: mean time; apparent time; Greenwich Time. 4. a limited period or interval, as between two successive events: a long time.... 14. a particular or definite point in time, as indicated by a clock: What time is it? ... 18. an indefinite, frequently prolonged period or duration in the future: Time will tell if what we have done here today was right. |accessdate=2011-04-09}}
* {{cite book | url=http://books.google.com/?id=HrHvAAAAMAAJ&q=%22time+is+what+clocks+measure%22&dq=%22time+is+what+clocks+measure%22 | title=Physics
| first1=Donald G. | last1=Ivey | first2=J.N.P. |last2=Hume
| volume=1 | page=65 | year=1974
| publisher=Ronald Press
| quote=Our operational definition of time is that time is what clocks measure.}}
</ref><ref name=Poidevin>
{{cite encyclopedia
|title=The Experience and Perception of Time
|last=Le Poidevin
|year=Winter 2004
|encyclopedia=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
|editor=Edward N. Zalta
{{cite book
|last=Carrol, Sean
| first=Chapter One, Section Two, Plume, 2010
| title=From Eternity to Here
| isbn=978-0452296541
| quote=As human beings we 'feel' the passage of time.}}
</ref><ref name=lehar>
Lehar, Steve. (2000). [http://cns-alumni.bu.edu/~slehar/webstuff/consc1/consc1.html The Function of Conscious Experience: An Analogical Paradigm of Perception and Behavior], ''Consciousness and Cognition''.
</ref><ref name=Poidevin/><ref name=Carroll2009>
{{cite book
Мүр 76 ⟶ 126 :
Саг хугасаанай хэмжэлтые эрдэмтэд болон [[технологи]]ин туһаламжатай тодорхойлжо [[навигаци]] болон [[одон орон шудалал]] ухаанай һуури болоһон. Мүсэлигтэ үйлэ ябадалнууд болон хүдэлөөниинь саг хугасаанай стандарт нэгэжэ байдалаар хэрэглэгдэжэ ерэһэн. Жэшээлбэл: тэнгэри дэхи [[наран]]ай хүдэлөөн, [[һара|һарын]] байралал хэлбэри, дүүжин һабалуурын һаблалта мүн зүрхэнэй сохилто зэрэг. Оршон үедэ олон уласай сагай нэгэжэнь “секунда” юм. Секундань [[цези]]ин [[атом]]ай [[сасарал|сасаруулха]] сасарагай үргэлжэлхэ хугасаанаар тодорхойлогдодог. Саг хугасаа мүн [[ниигэм]]дэ ехээхэнаша холбогдолтой, ''“саг бол [[алтан]]”'' гэһэн зүйр үгэнь үдэр [[хоног]]ой үргэлжэлхэ хугасаа хизгаартай, [[хүмүүн]]эй [[амидарал|амидарха]] хугасаашье мүн хизгаартай гэдэгые анхааруулжа байдаг.
== Мүн үзэхэ ==
* [[Жэл]]
== Зүүлтэ ==
{{1000 үгүүлэл}}
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